众所周知,埃斯卡纳齐(Giuseppe Eskenazi)家族是当今全球最重要的中国艺术品古董商之一。埃氏在艺术收藏界有着具足轻重的地位,他入行时间非常早,早在上世纪六七十年代就已经是一位非常活跃的知名古董商了,在坂本五郎、安思远相继离世之后,埃斯卡纳齐依旧活跃在世界顶级艺术市场,用他独到的眼光收藏自己喜欢的古董,传说他经手的古代艺术品总价值高达五千亿之巨。

先来看看埃斯卡纳齐的履历:1989年,374万英镑买入唐代三彩马,成为当时世界最高价的三彩马;1999年,2918万港币买下明成化斗彩鸡缸杯,直至2014年,这件鸡缸杯被刘益谦以2.8亿港币收入囊中;2005年, 1568.8万英镑拍下元青花鬼谷子下山大罐。这些足以被写入史册的记录都是由埃斯卡纳齐创造的。
埃氏画廊每年的展览,均以极高艺术性和专业性为人称道,如2015年的宋瓷特展、2016年的青铜古玉展、2017年的六朝艺术及雕塑特展、2018年的宋瓷特展等,都以埃氏独特的审美标准和艺术品位,给来到伦敦克利福德街10号的客人留下深刻印象。近日,埃斯卡纳齐开启了ONLINE GALLERY,上线了一批极为精彩的中国艺术品,从青铜器、高古玉、高古瓷、佛造像,到明清瓷器、家具杂项文房乃至当代艺术,门类齐全。大部分器物都是历经多位重要藏家递藏的各门类精品,又经埃氏严选,品质多重保障。下面我们一起来欣赏一下。
Christie’s, New York, Masterworks of Ancient and Imperial China, 17 September 2008, number 583.Eskenazi, London, Principal wares of the Song period from a private collection, 8th – 29th May 2015, number 26.Eskenazi, London, Song: Chinese ceramics, 10th to 13th century, (Part 5), 10 May - 1 June 2018, number 5.
Alfred Schoenlicht,纽约/海牙。Sotheby and Co., London, The Well-known Collection of Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, The Property of the Late Alfred Schoenlicht, Esq., of New York and The Hague, 13 December 1955, number 20.Christie’s, New York, Fine Chinese Archaic Bronzes, Ceramics and Works of Art, 20 September 2002, number 288.Eskenazi Limited, Song: Chinese Ceramics, 10th to 13th Century, London, 2003, number 7.Giuseppe Eskenazi with Hajni Elias, A Dealer’s Hand, The Chinese Art World Through the Eyes of Giuseppe Eskenazi, London, 2012, page 275, plate 252. Eskenazi, London, Principal wares of the Song period from a private collection, 8 – 29 May 2015, number 24.
香港,1981年—1982年,香港中文大学美术馆。The Art Gallery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Exhibition of Ancient Chinese Ceramics from the collection of the Kau Chi Society of Chinese Art, Hong Kong, 1981, page 41.Mai Yinghao ed., Black Porcelain from the Mr. and Mrs. Yeung Wing Tak Collection, Guangzhou, 1997, number 49.Giuseppe Eskenazi with Hajni Elias, A Dealer’s Hand, The Chinese Art World Through the Eyes of Giuseppe Eskenazi, London, 2012, page 277, plate 256.Eskenazi, London, Principal wares of the Song period from a private collection, 8 – 29 May 2015, number 20.
Sotheby’s, London, Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 10 November 2004, number 526.Giuseppe Eskenazi with Hajni Elias, A Dealer’s Hand, The Chinese Art World Through the Eyes of Giuseppe Eskenazi, London, 2012, page 277, plate 285.Eskenazi Limited, Principal wares of the Song period from a private collection, London 2015, number 19.
P. Selinka 夫妇收藏,Ravensburg,德国。S. Feinberg 夫妇收藏,波士顿,后由家族继承。伦敦,1974 年,Hugh Moss Limited,值伦敦艺术与古董节之际。Sotheby’s, London, Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, London, 13 March 1973, number 229.Hugh Moss Limited, Chinese Works of Art, London, 1974, page 17.Sotheby’s, London, Fine Chinese and Annamese Ceramics, Bronzes and Works of Art, 13 December 1977, number 456.Ulrich Wiesner, Chinesische Keramik, Meisterwerke aus Privatsammlungen, Cologne, 1988, pages 94 - 95, number 62.Lempertz, Asiatische Kunst, Cologne, 26 - 27 November 2004, number 132.Sotheby’s, Hong Kong, The Goldschmidt Collection of Qing Imperial Porcelain, 13 November 1990, number 50.
R. F. A. Riesco, Croydon。Edgar E. Bluett, The Riesco Collection of Old Chinese Pottery and Porcelain, London, 1951, figure 74, top shelf, for almost certainly the same dish.Sotheby’s, London, Fine Chinese Ceramics, Bronzes and Works of Art, 11 December 1984, number 382.Eskenazi Limited, London, Qing porcelain from a private collection, 1st – 23rd November 2012, number 1.
Christie’s, New York, The Collection of Robert Hatfield Ellsworth Part III – Chinese Works of Art: Qing Ceramics, Glass and Jade Carvings, 19 March 2015, number 466.Eskenazi Ltd., Early Chinese art from a private collection, London, 2016, catalogue number 4.Eskenazi, Early Chinese art from private collections, London, 3 - 25 November 2016, number 8.Peter S. Scarisbrick夫妇,伦敦。Bo Gyllensv?rd, Celadon Jade, Stockholm, 1963, number 129. Jessica Rawson and John Ayers, Chinese Jade throughout the Ages, Arts Council of Great Britain and the Oriental Ceramic Society, London, 1975, number 196. Eskenazi Limited, Chinese jades from a private collection, London, 1976, number 9. Eskenazi Ltd., Early Chinese art from a private collection, London, 2016, catalogue number 7.
Christie’s, New York, The Hardy Collection of Early Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art from the Sze Yuan Tang, 21 September 1995, number 129.Christie’s, New York, Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 21 - 22 March 2013, number 1192.Eskenazi, Early Chinese art from private collections, London, 3 - 25 November 2016, number 3.
Arthur B. Michael, 牛顿中心,麻省。Albright-Knox美术馆, 巴甫洛尔,纽约(Arthur B. Michael 1942年遗赠)。Ithaca, Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University. Albany, Albany Institute of History and Art. Utica, Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute. Syracuse, Everson Museum of Art. Rochester, Memorial Art Gallery. Buffalo, Albright-Knox Art Gallery. Andrew C. Ritchie, Catalogue of the Paintings and Sculpture in the Permanent Collection, Albright Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York, 1949, page 212, number 209 (unillustrated). Steven A. Nash, with Katy Kline et al., Albright-Knox Art Gallery: Painting and Sculpture from Antiquity to 1942, Buffalo, New York, 1979, pages 84 - 85. Martie W. Young, Far Eastern Art in Upstate New York, Ithaca, New York, 1976, catalogue number 21. Sotheby's, Highlights of Historic Objects offered by the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, New York, 2007, pages 58 - 63. Sotheby's, New York, Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art including property of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, volume 11, 20 March 2007, number 503.Eskenazi,Six Dynasties art from the Norman A Kurland collection, Part two, London, 2018, number 17.Frederick Stafford夫妇,后由家族继承。Isaac Delgado艺术博物馆,新奥尔良,1966年。James B. Byrnes, Odyssey of an Art Collector; Unity in Diversity, 5000 Years of Art, New Orleans, 1966, catalogue number 89.
Jane和Leopold Swergold,美国。纽约,2008年3月17日—29日,埃斯卡纳齐在PaceWildenstein画廊。Christie’s, Fine Chinese Ceramics, Painting and Works of Art, London, 16 December 1996, number 109.Florence和Herbert Irving收藏,编号1949。Christie’s New York, 6 November 1980, number 209.Ann Ray Martin, "American Mandarin," Connoisseur, November 1984, p. 101.Christie’s New York, 20 March 2019, Lacquer, Jade, Bronze, Ink, The Irving Collection Evening Sale, number 813.Bluett and Sons,伦敦,1972年。Dr and Mrs John Kurtz,布鲁塞尔。
Spink and Son Limited,伦敦,1935年10月。
S. Feinberg夫妇,波士顿,此后家族流传。Christie’s, New York, Fine Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy, 27 March 1996, number 13.Eskenazi Limited, Seven Classical Chinese Paintings, London, 2009, number 4.Ian and Susan Wilson,旧金山。Stephen Little, Spirit Stones of China, The Ian and Susan Wilson Collection of Chinese Stones, Paintings and Related Scholars’ Objects, Chicago, 1999, number 30.